Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Healthy Weight Analysis

 What's Your Number?

In order to achieve and maintain your personal ideal weight, you must change your body chemistry.  By that I mean that you must re-set your metabolism and your hypothalamus.  You must learn what foods cause you to gain weight and how to avoid them.

And you must lose your excess weight fast.  Slow weight loss is a myth - it just plain does not work because most people cannot stay motivated to stick to a program or diet long term.  The key is to lose it fast... and then the challenge is to keep it off.

Your first step is to know your "numbers"  You need to know your BMI and your BFI in particular; and you need to understand what both of these numbers mean.  No two people are alike.  Your weight and your weight issues are specific to you.

Fill in the form below and receive by email your own personal analysis including your BMI and BFI, and specific information on what your specific numbers mean.  You will also receive recommendations for getting your excess weight off as quickly as possible, as painless as possible, and as safely as possible.  This is all 100% free and 100% confidential and there is never any obligation.  You can unsubscribe at any time with a simple click of your mouse.

Current Weight:
Age :
Waist Size (inches):
Wrist Size (female only):
Forearm Size (female only):
Hips Size (female only):

If you are like most of us who want or need to lose weight, you have probably tried numerous diets, products, programs.  You may have lost hundreds of pounds over the years and gained them all back several times.  You may feel hopeless when it comes to losing weight for good.  The fact is that most "diets" or programs are not designed for permanent weight loss.

When you fill out the form above, and hit the submit button, a real person will prepare your personal healthy weight analysis for you.  Please allow 24 to 48 hours to receive your personal report!

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