Friday, January 2, 2009

Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Well we made it into January and it is time to get moving on our weightloss challenge. It is going to be fun having other team members to motivate one another, through the ups and downs we will inevitably have.

My first goal is to go into this with a new mindset. I am not on a diet, I am on a healthy lifestyle change and by changing small things one at a time we will be succesful. By setting small goals we will achieve our overall goal in the end.

I love the saying: It is not what you do between Christmas and New Years, its what you do between New Years and Christmas that really counts!

My other goals are to drink more water, cut out the snacking, especially while working on the computer and to become more active. I live out in the country so it is easy just to let the dogs run in the bush for their exercise, but while they are out I will do laps around the edge of our property that is cleared, each lap takes about 10mins to walk at a decent pace. These are the goals that I want to achieve in the month of January, then come February I will post new ones.

Here is a neat tool that I have come across to post our weightloss along the way. There are all kinds of tickers for different occasions. This way we don't have to say how much we currently weigh, but how much we want to lose...maybe one day I'll be brave enough to state what my starting weight was, but not right now!!

Happy New Year and Happy Weight Loss!

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